Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Associated Press: In letters, children ask Obama to change gun laws: "WASHINGTON (AP) — Three days after six teachers and 20 students were killed by a rampaging gunman at a Connecticut elementary school, an 8-year-old Maryland boy pulled out a sheet of paper and wrote President Barack Obama, asking for "some changes in the laws with guns."
"It's a free country but I recommend there needs (to) be a limit with guns," Grant Fritz said in the Dec. 17 letter. "Please don't let people own machine guns or other powerful guns like that."
In the days after the Dec. 14 shooting in Newtown, Conn., children around the country apparently had the same idea as Grant. They put their feelings about the massacre on paper and began sending letters to a receptive White House.
"I am writing to ask you to STOP gun violence," wrote Taejah Goode, a 10-year-old from Georgia. "I am very sad about the children who lost their lives. So, I thought I would write to you to STOP gun violence.""

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