Monday, May 20, 2013

Lord knows it's not easy being Jon Saint. Even he says so himself. I first discovered this unique artist from Long Island, NY in 2004 when a friend of mine sent me his cover version of Elton John's Rocket Man which is more of a modern interpretation than a cover. Mr Saint's uncanny combination of rap and rock in the song not only modernizes it but gives it a whole new form. Eventually I was not only privy to the rest of the songs he was recording at the time but also got to speak to him a couple times on the phone. Like a lot of artists I know (including myself) he's not all there. But that's cool we spoke and I promised him back then I would do whatever I could to promote his music so here we go with this post. The 8 songs below comprise the album "It's Not Easy Being A Saint" and I am also providing a download link cause I know he would not have any problem with me doing so. Enjoy!

Rap-rocker Jon Saint.

Music that's suitable for the beach!

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