Thursday, May 9, 2013

Last night I watched a great movie by Todd Solondz, the writer/director who did "Happiness." If you ever saw that film you know it's an intense look at the human condition and particularly our sexuality. In "Storytelling," he uses the same style of filmmaking with a look at how youngsters cope with the transition from high school to college. There's a lot more to it than that and this is a filmmaker that pulls no punches with his characters and their flaws which makes his stuff so interesting to watch. Divided into two parts, really two different movies, "Fiction," and "Non-Fiction" it quickly becomes evident that the line between the two is quite thin. I thought it was also trippy how the first story only took up 22 minutes of time and the rest of the 87 minute running time is devoted to the second piece which features an equally trippy cast including Paul Giamatti, an almost unrecognizable Julie Haggerty (who is outstanding!) and the always great Noah Fleiss. The dream sequence with Conan O'Brian is simply brilliant.Highly recommend this movie! Here is a link to Amazon, used DVD is only one cent, or instant video at 3 bucks. 
Conan O'Brian cameo in dream sequence.

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