Love that beard!
and the side-cars.
Even if it's a super-cheesy B-movie, you'll gotta love a flick that has the line "What, no blue chip stamps? Man, you're on some strange trip!" Or "That's a Maidenform, and it's mine!" Such was the strange trip I was subject to as I viewed this movie this morning for the first time ever. Six gay bikers make their way to Los Angeles for a ball and along the way have problems with the police as well as a gang of straight bikers or "heavies," lol. And they also pick up chicks! Meanwhile, there's a tripped-out sub-plot with a General that thinks the whole world has gone debauched and the film ends in a very surprising way when the General hangs all the "fags." Very tripped out but OH, SO 70's. Thumbs up!
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