Sunday, May 12, 2013

Yours truly (center left) with all the rest of the "blanket people."
The sky finally started to clear just as Crowes came on. 
Chris doing harp on first song "Good Friday" 
Luther!!! I'm sure missing you now. 
Later on when night came, the sky continued to clear and oh, what an evening!
Quite often in life the greatest experiences come on spur-of-the-moment impulsive decisions and such was the case one Friday in July of 2009 when I decided to just hop on a plane from Palm Springs, CA and catch the Crowes show that night way out in a place called Waukesha, Wisconsin. The show was at a fairgrounds and when I got to the gate (see pic at top) I was part of the very first group of people to arrive and we would all eventually sit in the 2nd row center. It was overcast and sprinkling consistently and it looked like it would stay that way. None of us were expecting such weather in July and it was down right cold! There was a vendor with a cart that kept coming by with these blankets in all these crazy colors and one-by-one we all started buying them which is why you see us all with them in the pic. It became a running joke as the afternoon wore on, every time the guy came by with his cart someone would break down and buy a blanket. The even funnier part was when the Crowes came on and saw this group of people all together in the 2nd row with all these blankets, we looked like a bunch of refugees, I remember several of the guys laughing at us, it was classic. So was the rest of the evening, and as you'll hear on this great boot I obtained in a trade the following month, the performance was top-notch. A truly memorable time. Link. Set list is here. Note this is NOT an official release, and it's suitable for trading. 

GOOD FRIDAY (1st song)

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