Sunday, June 16, 2013

"Live: The 1971 Tour" is a Grand Funk album that features live performances from several stops in 1971 but was not released until 2002. It got great reviews and even Rolling Stone gave it 4 stars, not bad considering it came out basically 20 years after the band was already broke up. The album is high on energy and one of the things I love about it is whoever mixed this thing turned the bass way up. It kicks and thumps throughout the whole record, pounding you in the stomach. Also there are some songs from Shea Stadium and there is a classic part at the end where someone swipes an effects pedal and while the band is waiting to come back for an encore, the promoter (who I think is Bill Graham) is begging the audience that whoever took the pedal could please return it so they can go on with the encore. Classic stuff, highly recommend this album if you've never heard it. Check out the sample track and visit this Amazon link or your favorite retailer and purchase it.


Ahhh, what fond memories I have of this place. My dad used to take me here to see the Jets (yes the Jets) and the Mets. As you can see, it's next to the beach. Well, sort of, lol. 

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