Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Gifted Pianist & Singer/Songwriter Jamie Sheriff 
The two official releases, one LP and one EP. 
My new friend Jim up in LA has requested some Jamie Sheriff, turns out he used to be one of his neighbors back in the day. To hear Jim tell it, there was at least several occasions where Jamie was asked to turn that sh*t down! Seriously though, Jamie is a good friend of mine that is very gifted as a pianist and singer/songwriter. He hit the scene hard in LA when new wave was just breaking in 1980. I saw him at a show and was just starting to write myself as a music major at Los Angeles City College. Jamie was a major inspiration to me and I give him credit for being one of the influences that made me pick up guitar and pen. So this compilation is for Jim and anyone else that digs his stuff or has not heard him before. The songs are from his two releases above all ripped from vinyl and there's three songs that Jamie personally sent me of stuff he's been working on in recent years. Link and streaming, enjoy! 

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