Monday, June 17, 2013

Regular visitor to the blog Marie has requested some more early Boingo. She's a great girl but she has a slight problem- she just can't get enough early Boingo. She's literally like a Pac-man gobbling them all up. So this one's for you Marie! I literally had to reach in the back corners of a closet to pull these out and happy to say I found another couple of shows I forgot about too. The discs pictured above I received from a member of the Secret Society (Boingo's early fan club) in 2004. As you can see, they're pretty comprehensive. The first volume here focuses on 1976-1980. Great stuff and very rare and hard to find. And yes Marie, you'll just have to wait for the other two to be posted...stay tuned! Link. Note this is not an official release, none of the songs on this have ever been released officially and all are suitable for trade. 



Additional notes 6/19 - Just posted the second volume over at the House Of Horrors blog here!

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