The arrest actually took place in Rhode Island and if you're a hardcore Stones fan you probably already know the story. The trouble started when the Stone's plane couldn't land in Boston due to fog. In Warwick Keith was leaning up against one of the Stones vehicles napping when a newspaper photographer tried to snap his picture and he woke up and smacked him. Mick tried to defuse the situation and he got arrested too. Marshall Chess then got arrested for trying to talk the police out of the whole thing and then the Stones official photographer Robert Frank was arrested for filming the arrests. But the cops weren't done yet as they then arrested Stone's security guard Stan Moore because the newspaper photographer complained about him as well. Meanwhile back at the Boston Gardens the crowd has already filed in and taken their seats, in fact this had already happened long before the arrest as the Stones were always running late. To avoid a possible major riot with a crowd that was famous for being unruly, the mayor of Boston told the police to release the Stones and then went down to the arena to try and calm the crowd down. The total wait time for the crowd landed up being close to four hours but the Stones finally went on and the show is captured here in it's entirety. It's a typical B grade quality for '72, not the greatest, but I've heard far worse. It's actually very enjoyable especially if you EQ the sound a bit. Link. Usual set list but if I'm not mistaken they dropped You Can't Always Get What You Want. Enjoy!BROWN SUGAR
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