This post goes out with a special hello to those meisters over at Voodoo Wagon and Floppy Boot Stomp. It goes along with a little story to tell. When I was 11 years old my mom got a call one afternoon from a friend of hers in publishing who said I just got 4 tickets to Rod Stewart & The Faces tonight at Anaheim Convention Center and I can't go, how would you and Tommy like to take the tickets, oh and by the way, they're 4th row center! I immediately called my best friend who was three houses down the street and off we went. Now you gotta understand me and my buddy had both been playing guitar for about a year or two at this point and totally in love with the Stones and rock n roll. So can you imagine the impression made on us seeing Rod Stewart and Ron Wood just 10 feet away from the stage? I don't think either one of us realized what a life-changing event it was, I can confidently say I probably would not be in rock n roll if not for this magical evening. Then to make things even better, four months later to our amazement this album came out. Now a lot of critics and fans have panned this album but some love it. You can make the choice as I have put together a very high quality vinyl rip and have also included various outtakes from trading circles. Please note that this is a long out-of-print vinyl album and not available commercially so is suitable for posting and trading. Enjoy!CUT ACROSS SHORTY
A few nice clear days before we get another patch of monsoon.