Thursday, May 16, 2013

My love and admiration for this gentleman goes beyond words. 
In late 2004 I was doing quite a lot of cd-r trading and had the unique pleasure of conducting a trade with a guy in Wisconsin who sent me this show. It wasn't originally part of my trade but when he saw I liked Tull he told me a story of how he had just gone to a concert a few weeks prior and taped it himself. He told me how he snuck in a pair of high-quality stereo mics and concealed them under his mesh cap while sitting in the 8th row center position. The results speak for themselves and the obvious top-notch qualities of the acoustics of this particular venue just add to the quality. It remains to this day one of my favorite Tull boots. Set list is here. Link. Note this is not an official release and is suitable for trading. 


Very suitable for listening to at the beach. 

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