Wednesday, May 15, 2013

X - they dissed me in front of a bank on Hollywood Blvd. 
but I still love them!
Yes, it did actually happen that me, an 18 year old music major at city college and in love with the exploding punk scene in L.A. at the time, happened to be standing at a bus stop on the corner of Hollywood & Cahuenga when I looked behind me and right in front of the Security Pacific Bank was standing Exene, John, and Billy Zoom from X. Their first album had just come out and I was a big fan already. I started telling them how much I liked them and trying to talk them up but they acted like total stuck-up assholes and basically dissed me. The bus came very shortly afterwards and I don't remember everything that transpired in the quick conversation except that for the rest of the day I was very bummed out. But that's okay it never changed the way I feel about their music and band and I saw them many times back in the day at the Whisky and Madame Wongs. This concert here is from 1983, a great show at My Father's Place in NY, set list is here. Excellent sound. Link. Please note this is not an official release and is suitable for trading. 


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