Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Amazing Kornyphone bootleg record label was the 2nd key player in vinyl boots back in the day next to  Trade Mark Of Quality. Since quite often TMOQ used William Stout to design their covers, the Kornyphone covers were not as interesting but as you can see above they were still appealing and unique. They always had the unique capital script writing at the bottom written by the same person. The companies were in major competition with each other and at one point to make things even more interesting would copy each other's stuff, in other words, one bootleg label would bootleg the other bootleg label if that makes sense. I had the unique privedge of being in the right place at the right time and watching all of this unfold in a little record store on Hollywood Blvd. For roughly four years I purchased boots in that store until one day in 1976 when I walked into the store and was told by the owner that all their bootlegs had been seized in an FBI raid. A week later the store was boarded up. Link. Ripped right from the vinyl you see above. Note this is not an official release and is suitable for trading. 

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