Saturday, June 8, 2013

Got a very rare Beck radio show bootleg here called "Casios, Cans, & Cutlery." It has Beck and most of his band appearing on a radio show to promote The Information. They perform live 9 songs off the landmark album and there is a 20 minute interview portion in the middle where they talk about the making of the album.The name of the bootleg refers to some of the various bizarre instruments they play during this performance. Sorry, I do not have an airdate on this, I believe the station is KCRW. Link. Note this is not an official release and is suitable for trading.

Also Beck has just leaked a brand new single called "Defriended" It's a spaced-out electro ballad and will not be on either of the two, yes two new albums Beck plans to release in the fall. One is an acoustic album and one is meant to be the long-awaited follow-up to Modern Guilt. This song almost sounds like he purposely meant to tease us with a little of both!

Yes, we are majorly pro-Beck here at Tommy's Beach. 

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