Monday, June 17, 2013

"Aren't you tired of getting a lump in your throat every time you hear music that's 25 years old? Let's make some new music!" 
"The masks remind us that our minds create our personalities."
These are just two of many thought-provoking bits of wisdom found in the hypnotic and seductive film from 1998 called Kiss The Sky. A fairly obscure movie, (in fact, I don't think there's ever been one person I mentioned it to that had heard of it,) this drama about facing your male middle-aged crisis' head on is chock full of wisdom and revelation, revealed in practically every exchange of dialog. Is life truly all suffering as Buddah says or can we truly make our own paradise, and if so, how do we go about doing it? This is what this deep film gets you to thinking about. The wonderful songs of Leonard Cohen are sprinkled throughout the film and provide the perfect music. Highly recommend it, and it's a little bit hard to find. As a matter of fact, Amazon doesn't even have it streaming and I don't think Netflix does either. Here's a link to Amazon dvd or vhs, you can get either format very cheaply. Below is a ten-minute sample from about a quater way thru the film.  


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